LOLER Online Course

2-3 Hours


Cost effective


If you work with lifting equipment, you need to be aware of potential risks to heath and safety - not just for you, but those working alongside you. Lifting equipment can cause serious injury if you don't comply with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER).
This comprehensive online course will explain the various responsibilities for employers and employees under the regulations, to make sure lifting equipment is handled and managed lawfully.
You'll understand the potential hazards, as well as how to prevent them – helping you to feel confident in assessing risks, maintaining equipment and planning operations correctly.
By the end of this 2-3 hour course, you will:
- Understand what LOLER expects from workplaces that carry out lifting operations
- Know the most common risks linked to lifting operations and equipment
- Demonstrate how to perform a thorough risk assessment of sites using lifting equipment
- Confidently choose the most appropriate lifting equipment
- Understand safe working loads and examination schemes
- Be able to conduct a thorough examination of lifting equipment
- Understand the reporting process and how to resolve defects
- Know how to plan and organise lifting operations
- Identify emergency procedures and implement them
- Be able to position lifting equipment correctly, to reduce risks in the workplace
- Demonstrate a knowledge of a range of risk factors, including proximity hazards, working with suspended loads, poor weather and low visibility
This online course covers the following topic areas:
- An introduction to LOLER – the risks and the legislation
- Lifting equipment, lifting accessories and the load
- What's excluded from LOLER?
- The four steps to carrying out a thorough risk assessment
- The hierarchy of controls
- Reviewing and updating your risk assessment
- Deciding who is responsible for performing risk assessments
- The importance of choosing the right equipment
- Strength and stability, safe working loads, de-rating equipment and marking lifting equipment
- How to thoroughly examine and maintain equipment
- Hired equipment, pre-use checks, examination schemes and identifying defects
- How to store equipment safely
- Ways to reduce risks, including the location and position of equipment, suspended loads, proximity hazards, visibility and securing loads
- How to lift people safely
- Ways to prevent slips, trips and falls
- Emergency procedures, instruction and training
At the end of this course, you will take an online exam containing 12 multiple-choice questions. The exam is marked automatically and you’ll find out your results straight away. A pass mark of 75% is required, however, if you are unsuccessful, you can re-take the exam as many times as you need to at no extra charge.
Who is this Course for?
If you own or manage a workplace that uses lifting equipment, or you are responsible for lifting operations as part of your job, this course is for you.
Employers and employees alike will learn how to store and operate lifting equipment properly, in order to comply with LOLER legislation and keep fellow workers safe.