Do you struggle to meet deadlines, spend too much time on the wrong tasks or just feel you could manage your time more effectively? This online time management course will take around 1-2 hours of your time, but will enable you to be more productive, spend less time procrastinating and feel motivated to get things ticked off your list.
Discovering your natural time management style is the key to achieving your goals. Whether you respond well to tools designed to keep you on track, or prefer to set objectives and write a priority list, this online course will help you unleash your potential and change unhelpful time management behaviour.
After completing this online time management course, you’ll:
This 1–2-hour online training course covers the following subjects:
At the end of this time management course, you’ll take a multiple-choice test of 12 questions. It’s marked automatically, and you’ll need 75% to pass. If you don’t pas first time, you’re welcome to re-take the test as many times as you need to at no extra cost.
You’ll receive a CPD-certified digital certificate straight away.
Poor time management can affect anybody at any stage of their career or in their personal life. If you’re keen to find out what your own time management style is, and how you can harness it effectively to help you become more productive and get more out of your day, this course is for you.