Equality & Diversity Online Course

1-2 Hours


Cost effective


Understand more about your professional responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, while creating a more tolerant and diverse working environment.
Compiled by business and HR professionals, this comprehensive online Equality and Diversity course will teach you what each of the protected characteristics are, and how you can avoid discriminatory words and actions in the workplace. You’ll explore unlawful behaviours as described in the Equality Act 2010, and feel more confident that you are promoting fairness at work.
By the end of this 1-2 hour online training course, you will:
- Understand the prohibited behaviours listed under the Equality Act 2010
- Identify the nine protected characteristics, such as age, sex, disability and race
- Explain how to foster diversity and equality in the workplace
- Be aware of the various duties that employers, HR staff and managers have regarding equality and diversity
- Understand how to implement fair recruitment practices and procedures
- Define the terms discrimination, victimisation, bullying and harassment.
- Understand how to prevent and report unacceptable behaviour
- Demonstrate how behavioural changes can promote equality between co-workers
This online course covers the following topic areas:
- An introduction to equality and diversity
- Understanding the Equality Act 2010
- Responsibilities of the employer
- How an equality policy can prevent discrimination
- The benefits of an equal and diverse workplace
- Taking positive action
- Hidden barriers, and how to remove them
- How to recruit fairly
- Equal pay and reasonable adjustments
- The nine protected characteristics – what are they, and why it’s an offence to discriminate against them
- Understanding direct and indirect discrimination
- Discrimination by association and perception
- Pregnancy and maternity – unfair treatment
- Disability – discrimination and making reasonable adjustments
- Harrassment – sexual harassment, victimisation and workplace bullying
- Stereotyping
- Reporting discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation in the workplace
At the end of this elearning course, you will take an online exam containing 20 multiple-choice questions. The exam is marked automatically and you’ll find out your results straight away. A pass mark of 85% is required, however, if you are unsuccessful, you can re-take the exam as many times as you need to at no extra charge
Who is this Course for?
Everyone is responsible for promoting a diverse and inclusive environment in the workplace. This online course in equality and diversity has been created as an introduction to the subject, covering the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
It’s vital that employers, managers and supervisors are aware of their roles and responsibilities, however we welcome learners from every level, with an interest in tackling discrimination.